He is light

Every fiber of his being radiates happiness onto my exterior until I soak in all his rays

In a time when all my days were overcast and clouds covered up possibilities, he made me see the sun

He made me believe someone could show compassion to the critic, bliss to the broken

Words I have never spoken or thought of come to my tongue when I see his face

And the cynic inside me screams that it’s a trap

That this all in your head and will be forgotten quicker than it can be remembered

That this is not a John Hughes film where romance falls in the lap of some girl unexpectedly

That this is not a “soon to be story” that we will tell someday

And this is definitely not a reason to negate every thought you’ve had on love since you were 13

But all that is soon hushed when he smiles or laughs at a pun that I made, only to add another pun to the mix

I only wish that whatever this is, if a blooming relationship or a fading feeling, that I can spend more days with the blonde-haired boy in my wake