Well it looks like we have ourselves a new president for 2017! It seems to me that many people are not so happy with the outcome. Others were astonished and approving with the outcome. We have had many elections and many presidents, but this election was something else! Congratulations to Donald Trump for his victory in the presidential race.
Electoral Votes:
To become president a candidate must receive 270 electoral votes. Each state is worth a certain amount of electoral votes depending on the population. Then once the state tallies their votes for the candidates, that winning candidate of that state will receive all the electoral votes for that state. For Trump he was awarded some of the larger electoral votes from Texas and Florida. It was very close in the Florida polls. Trump very, very closely pulled ahead of Clinton in this state to win 29 electoral votes. Some of the important states he won were Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The big ones Clinton got were California and New York. But in the end, Trump walked away with the correct number of electoral votes to seal the win.
Policies Trump Believes In:
With a new president taking over soon, Trump has many plans and policies that he wants to change for our country. One thing that Trump wants to do is deport undocumented immigrants. Which basically means anyone who came over to the United States illegally will have to leave. Another thing that Trump is wanting to do as president is allow school districts to have more power in their curriculum. He wants to get rid of the “common core” and let the teachers create lessons that meet the needs of their kids and not have to follow the mandated curriculum. Lastly, he wants to get rid of “Obama Care”. He wants to regulate the medical field and help stabilize the high insurances many Americans are now having to pay under President Obama’s policy.
Whether you were in favor of Trump or Clinton, we as a country must unite! We cannot continue to be divided and allow our great country to fall apart. My hope is that Trump will help us unite and that we can all stand together as one instead of individuals.
Jonathan Story • Nov 15, 2016 at 9:23 am
Great Article, Madyson! I completely agree. it doesn’t matter you support now, we can’t afford to be divided any longer.
Jonathan Story,
Clubs and Activities Editor