Holly Jolly Fashion

Christmas time is a time to celebrate fashion. We ALL look for that special outfit to accommodate us. I am going to show you a few things that will make you the star of the show!!!

If you are looking for something to dress up your outfit you will find that a infinity scarf will do just that.

 You can find infinity scarves almost anywhere!! I find the kohl’s has the biggest selection but you can get them at Macy’ s  JcPenny’s and even justice or Claire’s.  They cost $15 to $25

If you are looking for something for your head especially in winter you might want a beanie hat.

Slouchy Beanie Hat Charcoal Girls Model You can get these anywhere for pretty cheap. If you want a normal beanie they usually cost $8 to $10 dollars. Crocheted beanies tend to cost more.

If you were invited to an ugly sweater party but you have nothing  to wear because you swore that you would never wear an ugly sweater again no worries!!

Ugly Holiday Sweater: Rock this reindeer when you #paypalit at @asos ... There are lots of ugly sweaters out there that no one else will buy but if you got Areopostale or Kohl’s I promise you will find a cute ugly sweater.