Every High school student is required to take standardized test, whether it be the ACT, SAT, or STARR tests. The state of Texas uses these tests to see how intelligent the students are, how the teachers are doing on teaching their students, and what schools are in the highest percentile. The reality of the matter is that standardized testing should be done away with. Here’s why.
Point one; some kids just aren’t cut out for testing. To say a student is smarter than another or more qualified than another specifically based off of a standardized test is unfair. Every student learns at a different pace, and test at a different level. Recently, at Dean College an Admission counselor was talking to students who were looking to apply and told them to look past the scores, that they were not defined by them.
Point two, there is a Bill waiting to be passed in Texas, that says depending on how a teachers students do on these standardized tests they will be payed accordingly. So say a teacher spends a surplus of time in preparing his/her students, and 6 of them fail but the others get good scores. Another teacher spends little time preparing his/her students but they all pass with flying colors. Is it fair to pay the teacher who didn’t do their job more than the teacher who did? Is it even fair to judge?