Recently, I watched a YouTube video about a girl who underwent rhinoplasty. She mostly discussed that the reason she had plastic surgery was because her nose had always been her biggest insecurity, and it had bothered her every day for as long as she could remember. As the video went on, there was one thing she said that really resonated with me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

She had mentioned that since her nose was her biggest insecurity, that that was the first thing she would notice on other people. I realized that the things I felt self-conscious about were also the first things I noticed on other people. It also occurred to me that since I’m not self conscious of my nose, never in a million years would I notice anything about her nose or anyone else’s. This means that whatever we are so fixated on about ourselves is what we are going to notice about other people, and vice versa. Are you following me? To make a long story short, this YouTube video made me learn a very important life lesson that is so relevant in today’s society, especially to teenagers. Get this, the only people that are going to notice your insecurity, are the people who have the same one. What a relief! All of this fussing and worrying all your life can be put to an end. Nobody really cares what you look like, and your flaws are invisible to almost everyone. Having this epiphany has made me begin to care a lot less about my insecurities, and stop looking for flaws in other people.

I also came to another epiphany during the video. Considering the previously stated fact that no one notices or cares about your flaws, the only reason you need to change something about yourself, is if it directly bothers you. If anyone has ever put you down for something you really don’t mind, there’s no reason to feel bad or worry about it. The best part is chances are, that person is insecure about the very thing they put you down for. If you have never worried about that thing before, there’s no reason to worry about it now. I’m so glad to have this new perspective on this issue that affects every person every single day. I’ve found myself feeling more confident, and less judgmental. I think the same thing could happen for other people. Next time you find yourself feeling self conscious, just remember that it’s all in your head, and frankly, no one cares.