Young Justice is an animated TV show created by Cartoon Network. This series is an adaptation of the entire DC Universe. Which means it has all types of heroes and villains from all over the DC Universe. This focuses on the lives of a group of young heroes. (Hence the series name.) These are teenage heroes and sidekicks who are trying to make their way up to proven superheroes.

The main ones in this group are Kid Flash, Robin, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Artimis, and Superboy. There is a lot of crime fighting action, funny moments, and plot twists. The perfect mix. There is also some sad parts but they get better.

So if you haven’t seen this show, I highly recommend it. If you like action, superheroes, and comedy, this is the show for you. Plus, there are 2 seasons of Young Justice on Netflix, so get your marathon going!

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