A Thought On Making Your Life A Little Better


Have you ever had one friend or acquaintance in your life that is not fun to be around or they are just an unhappy person? Those people aren’t helping you to become a better person or adding to your life. If they aren’t adding to your life then why have the negative energy around you?

If you are trying to do big things in life either for college, your dream job, or whatever you are wanting to do in life the negative people only take energy from you from accomplishing those goals and dreams of yours. You want people in your life that is going to add to your life not take away. You want positive energy around you if you are planning to do big things because how can you put all your energy into what you wanna do if you have someone always bringing you down or that is lazy and has no motivation.

Have people in your life that motivate you to pursue your goals and dreams. Have people that lift you up after you fail. Have people that will help you do big things in life. Cut out the friends that aren’t adding to you. They are only subtracting from your life. Focus on what you are striving to do with your career, your sport, your future. If you wanna get a scholarship to play D1 college baseball then the people that take your energy, aren’t supportive, they won’t be helping you get that scholarship they are distracting you from your goal.

If you have someone in your life that is distracting you from reaching your goal then limit yourself from being around them. They will only take your focus away from your dreams because if they are negative people they probably don’t got the goals and dreams you have in store for yourself. Choose people to have in your life that benefit you and add to you. Do what you love with supportive friends there for you to pick you back up.