Finding the perfect balance of all your daily activities.


Managing your time between school and other activities such as sports or the arts can be very difficult, and it is very important to find the perfect balance of time to enjoy doing both. There are many different ways to figure out how to schedule your school time and your activities program, but the most important thing to remember is to find what works for you. This a key point, in that one way may work for some students, and a different way might work for others. I have a few ways to figure out the best method for you to manage your time between your school life and your outside life.

The first thing you want to decide is the best time you can focus on your school work, and have enough energy to power through a full day’s work. Now, this could be 8 in the morning for some people, and 7 at night for others. Finding the perfect time to accomplish your work is essential, so you can put out your best effort and get the best results possible. Not to mention you can work around your other interests that don’t involve school. We are attending an online school, therefore we can determine when we want to work and when we don’t (this being one of the beauties of an online school opposed to the normal brick and mortar setting). The students get to choose how much they want to work in one day, and that may mean getting a week’s worth of work done in three days! Not only does this mean you get a longer weekend, but it will allow you to have more time to do what you really have a passion for. Though, you may be a person who likes to spread their work out throughout the week, which is definitely a great tool to use for some individuals. This is a splendid method for students who get easily stressed about doing loads of work in only a week’s time. Less stress means even more time to focus on other things such as sports, or the performing arts.

With the help of deciding the best time to work, it may be helpful to have an organizer to plan the week ahead. Now, I personally find this very useful, because it allows me to prepare for the coming days, and not get too stressed about what is about to occur. For some people, having something like a planner is too much work, and is not a beneficial source to use regularly. If this is the case for you, don’t worry! There are many other ways to have a successful usage of time. For example, I have a friend that likes to come on to the Connexus website and see what she needs to do for the day, without knowing ahead of time what that may be. Doing this is something I do not like to do, due to the fact that I am coming into the school day blind and not knowing what to expect, which can be very stressful for myself and for other students who like to be ahead of the game. If this method works for you and your other activities, that’s great! You can continue to use this method for as long as it works for you and your agenda.

You may be asking yourself,“what if none of these methods work for me?” Well, don’t fret! There is always a way that works for everybody. You just need to find the solution that works for you. Another way to manage your time time could be prioritizing your weekly schedule by determining what is most important on that day, and what could be done a little later or on the next day. By ruling out the less important tasks, you can really focus on the important aspects of the courses at hand. Going along with this method comes the planning out how much time is required for studying. This could be anything from one extra hour of math to ten additional minutes of studying for a history test. The list could go on and on!

Although the list for deciding how the manage your time between school and your outside activities could go on, these are just a few methods that could help you be the best student you can possibly be. Don’t worry if none of these tips are the right one for you. There is a way that is perfect for you, and that journey of finding it could be sparked by the suggestions listed above. All that is required of you is that you find something remotely ideal for finding that perfect balance in your life.