We all know that Easter is one of the most active and hands-on holidays, but sometimes it can be hard to come up with new crafts and fun activities for everyone! Here are three ideas you could incorporate into your Easter celebration!

We all know that Easter is one of the most active and hands-on holidays, but sometimes it can be hard to come up with new crafts and fun activities for everyone. Some families have a traditional game they play every year. For example, my family has a balloon toss, after which we have a water balloon fight. Other families make crafts or do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. Here are some of the best and most interactive DIY crafts and games for Easter.
One easy DIY craft is to create one-of-a-kind marbled eggs. If you have a shallow rectangle pan, you place cool whip inside and drop different colors of food coloring all around. Then, take a toothpick and swirl around the color to your liking. Gently place your egg and roll it around a little. When you take the egg out, it will have a marbled effect.
Another idea for dying eggs is to find a colorful napkin or tissue paper and paint on a thin layer of mod podge on the egg. Place the image on the egg. When you remove the tissue, the image will have transferred onto the egg.
The next activity is a saran wrap ball game. For this DIY game, you take saran wrap and you put eggs in the ball and wrap some more saran wrap around the egg. While wearing an oven mitt, the person has to try and unwrap the ball while the person to the left of them is trying to get doubles on the die they’re rolling. If the person rolling the die gets doubles then the saran wrap ball and the oven mitt move to the next person, along with the die. Whoever has the most eggs at the end of the game wins the biggest prize. This game may deceive you–it’s harder than it looks!
Hopefully you will be able to incorporate these fun crafts and games into your Easter celebration this year!