Keeping safe this spooky season

  Everybody loves Halloween. You either hand out candy or you get to go door-to-door getting yummy deliciousness. But whichever way you celebrate, there are always going to be the dangers of Halloween. That’s why there are a few simple rules everybody should follow. 

   The first thing you should do is NEVER go trick-or-treating by yourself. This is the perfect time for predators to prey on little kids that are by themselves. Actually, any teenage kid is also good prey in the predator’s eyes.  The second thing is you have to pick good groups to go with. Whether it’s a Halloween party, trick-or-treating, or over to someone’s house, always go in a group. Don’t pick a group that you know will let you wander off, or leave you by yourself. Pick people you know who will make sure you don’t do something stupid, or make sure there is someone with you at all times. Make sure that when you go up to a door to get candy, go with a buddy or two. If you go by yourself, then you look vulnerable and weak. That leads us to number three: pick good streets. Don’t go down that creepy alley that you know looks weird even when it’s light outside. Pick streets that have a lot of lights and a lot of people. The more people and the lighter it is, then most likely nothing will happen to you. Some kids feel like they are too old for Halloween,  so they stay home and hand out candy. Unfortunately, this can also be dangerous. If somebody knows that you are home alone, then they may see that as an opportunity. So make sure that you know who is outside your door, or maybe leave candy outside in a bowl. Another trick that works for Halloween is keeping lights on whether or not you stay home. Make it look like there are people in the house, so your house is less likely to be robbed or less likely someone will try to get to you. 

   I know this seems like a lot of things that you may feel too old to listen to, but these may help you in ways that you didn’t even think of. This may actually help one of your friends or younger siblings. People don’t like to think of the possibilities of something bad happening, but it happens more than we know about. So stay safe this Halloween Owls!