A Review of the Trilogy

The classic story: Boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, they have a big fight that seems so devastating that they will never recover, and then somehow, against all odds, they come back even stronger than before. The Paranormalcy Trilogy is one of these stories, but there’s a twist: Boy and girl are not “human”.

Evie has never been normal. She was picked up by the IPCA, or International Paranormal Containment Agency, when she was a young girl because of her ability to see through the glamours paranormals use to disguise themselves from the human population. As far as the IPCA knows, Evie is the only one who possesses this strange gift. Evie has settled into a routine at the Agency, befriended a mermaid, become obsessed with an addicting TV show, and even found the closest thing she has ever had to a mother in her supervisor. But everything changes when Lend, the shape-shifter, breaks into the institute. Evie begins to learn new things about both herself and the world around her. .

Evie’s character undergoes a massive maturation throughout the series. When her story begins, she is just a teenager who wishes she was normal. By the end of the final book, she is able to put her own wishes aside and make decisions based on what is best for others. She goes from dreaming of high school and hoping that one day she will have a locker and a boyfriend just like the normal kids, to learning what it takes to fight for a relationship and that the real world is much bigger than a locker. She learns how important it is to be selfless and brave when the world is in your hands.

Kiersten White creates a brilliant world within the Paranormalcy Trilogy. The story is filled to the brim with action, humor, and familial bonds. The characters are enchanting, and it is easy to root for their success as the drama enfolds. Yet throughout the chaos, a clear point is revealed: The right choice is not always the easy one. I really enjoyed the writing in this series. Kiersten White manages to make the story light and humorous while simultaneously conveying the heaviness of the decisions that are required as a person matures. The characters are witty, clever, entertaining, and very likeable.

White shows great creativity in this series. Paranormal creatures have made many appearances in popular novels, but this particular trilogy shows them in a different light. However, despite all of the wonderful aspects, the trilogy does have some negatives that need to be addressed. It can, at times, be overwhelmingly girly. Because the story is told by Evie, the reader is constantly being briefed on all of the pink, zebra stripes, and rhinestones that make up the majority of her wardrobe. In addition to the multitudes of clothing that Evie collects throughout the story, there is a love triangle that makes a large presence. I, for one, have not known many guys who are staggeringly fond of love triangles in novels, but I cannot give a personal opinion on this.

I would recommend the Paranormalcy Trilogy to everyone (who doesn’t mind a little pink and a little love) because of the action, romance, humor, and important life lessons wrapped up in a pretty, fun package.