A Poem That Highlights the Experience of Student’s and Their Endless Amounts of Work
Before you read the poem:
The dread of tomorrow is a realist poem that bites at your back forcing you to come to terms with the fact that what you’re doing right now is all for tomorrow–tomorrow’s wishes, tomorrow’s fun, tomorrow’s dreams. Today you must be a student–submit work– never rest, be an empty soul with only thoughts of what it could bring you tomorrow–Or at least this is what some people might feel. This poem seeks to use vague language to appeal to students at iUP who are currently struggling– feeling like all they can do is study and prep for the future while failing to fully enjoy the present. I recommend that students notice the changes in language and study the lines with intent. There’s a reason for a switch up in language and tone in the last stanza… what is it? You shall find out.
At the break of dawn,
when met with a yawn
To find oneself dreaming of tomorrow–
What greatness tomorrow might bring
If you could just finish, finish,
Finish what ill work you were given
–With a smile
Or an ache of happiness
The sweat from your face towards your finger
To the screen and to the teacher
What might it bring for you tomorrow
To where will your paper take you
The act of this repeated
When dawn rises again
You repeat tomorrow, tomorrow
Yesterday is for tomorrow
Today is for tomorrow
But what is tomorrow
Why does it DARE impose on your smile
–What a fun thought
But ‘tis just that– a thought
A thought that isn’t fully formed
You must continu’ working
Dawn comes but thy work must be-ith finished
But why tomorrow
What’f yesterday was the end
Today a new beginning.

Hello everyone! My name is JoElle Coats and this is my 7th year and final year at iUniversity Prep. I am so excited to be able to help you...

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