What are elderberries and their benefits?


Has your week been full of coughs, sneezes, and snuffles? As we are approaching cold and flu season, you might consider adding elderberry to your daily routine.

Elderberries are fruits that come from a plant called Sambucus and are found in Europe and North America. They are black or dark blue and are used for desserts, syrups, jams, and even medicine.

Elderberries are loaded with nutrients including iron, potassium, vitamins, and proteins, which all are great for your body.

The berries contain many different benefits:

  • They boost your immunity
  • They encourage healthy skin
  • They are major cold and flu relief
  • They help with sinus infections
  • They help prevent cancer

You can consume elderberries in many different ways such as in your tea, syrup on pancakes, capsules, jam on toast, and juice.

Elderberries can do many great things for your body. However, you should always check with your doctor if you choose to add elderberries to your daily routine.