From running, working out, playing sports, to yoga, there are a myriad of different forms of exercise. All of these are a great way to stay in shape and in good health, so why is bicycling special? I’ve compiled a list of reasons why you should get outside and hop on a bike!


Great form of exercise- Good cardio

Bicycling is a great form of exercise. It is a form of aerobic exercise, or cardio, one of the most effective types of exercise. Bicycling can be an excellent way to stay healthy in an enjoyable way.

Faster than on foot

Riding on wheels is much more efficient than walking. If you want to go places, biking will get you there much faster than walking would!

Farther distance than on foot

Riding a bicycle covers much more distance than walking does. Riding on two wheels will not only get you there faster, you’ll cover much more distance that you would on a skateboard or on foot.

Good scenery

While riding a bicycle, you can enjoy the nice fall scenery that you wouldn’t get if you drove in a car. Enjoying the fresh air while also getting in exercise? Sign me up!

Great breeze

Right along with the nice scenery point, riding a bicycle also gives a great breeze. Even in the summer, a cyclist can generate a cool breeze instantly- simply by pedaling down their driveway.

Not too intense of a workout

You often hear people complaining about cardio as part of their workout routine. It is often the most rigorous and tiring part of training. Bicycling is an excellent alternative for folks who have already sustained injuries but still want to get in some cardio. It can also be an enjoyable exercise for those who would rather exercise in a less intense setting.

Great health benefits-weight loss

As research has shown, exercising can help lower health risks significantly. As a form of aerobic exercise, bicycling can improve your health. From lowering cholesterol to decreased fat levels, biking can improve your physical health greatly.

Building muscle

We already know that biking is a diverting way to exercise, but did you know that biking can help you gain muscle? Riding a bike works on your quads and calves, leading to some toned, strong leg muscles.

Ease of Use

Bicycling is such a great type of exercise because of how easy it is! Biking doesn’t require a high level of physical skills like some sports do. It is also very easy to learn- there are different types of beginner bikes out there, and you can start with training wheels to kickstart your two-wheeled ride.

Better mental well-being

Scientific studies show that exercising and good health habits lead to better mental help in many cases. Simply going outside and exercising can lift your spirits, put you in a better mood, and improve your well-being.


Getting enough exercise is so important for a person’s physical and mental health, and bicycling is an excellent way to do so. Bicycling can lead to so many different positive results, including increased stamina and muscle mass. It is a pleasant way to spend an evening outdoors and in the sun. I hope these ten reasons are enough to convince you and your friends and family to get outside and onto a bike! 



Department of Health & Human Services, SmartPlay. “Cycling – Health Benefits.” Better Health Channel, Department of Health & Human Services, 30 Nov. 2013, www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/cycling-health-benefits. May 29,

Michelle. “15 Benefits of Cycling: Why Cycling Is Good for Weight Loss, Fitness, Legs and Mind.” Cycling Weekly, 17 Mar. 2020, www.cyclingweekly.com/news/latest-news/benefits-of-cycling-334144. 

“Cardio 101: Benefits and Tips.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, diet.mayoclinic.org/diet/move/cardio-101.