As I go through my Junior year, I look forward and prepare myself for college tennis. Unlike junior tennis, college tennis is team-based, where you can rely on your teammates. Almost every young junior tennis player looks for this team atmosphere. And, the scholarship opportunities.

The recruitment process for junior and seniors is hard and long. Not only do you have to perform well in tennis, but, you also have to perform well in school and obtain a high SAT or ACT score. This shows that you perform in the classroom and not just on the court. Recruiters also seek out tennis players with character, personality, passion, and a love for their college.

   The college coaches look for a team player who can easily relate and get along with the team, without causing problems. This process makes you evaluate yourself, to discover what you dislike/like, who you are, or where you want to be. There are many questions that come to mind during this process. Understanding yourself will help recruiters understand you. So, as you go through the recruiting process, ask a lot of questions, work hard on and off the court, and set standards on where you want to go and what you want out of the college.