1989- Taylor Swift

Recently, Taylor Swift released her 5th studio album entitled 1989. Having been a Swifty since her debut album, Taylor Swift, I was interested in seeing how her transition from country/pop into pop would change the sound of her music. I have to commend Taylor for steering away from what she’s used to and trying something new. But, I think she compromised her ability to write a story with her lyrics in order to achieve the upbeat, repetitive sound that comes with the territory of pop music. Even though her last album, Red, had more of a pop feel than her previous 3 albums, I could still hear how she felt through the expressive lyrics and clear beginning, middle, and end to the song. While listening to the songs off of 1989, I could still tell what she was feeling when she wrote the song, but the lyrics weren’t as poetic or story-like. On her 3rd album, she wrote in her song Back to December, “This is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night”. On 1989, she wrote in her song Shake It Off, “The haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate”. Although I love Taylor Swift, I wasn’t in love with this album.