Have you ever been to New York? Well if you have, maybe you have seen a Broadway show. I am here to talk to you about one show in particular called Paramour.  It is up to you if you want to see it or not if you ever go back to The Big Apple.

Paramour, also known as a women’s lover, has recently come out on Broadway. It is the first Broadway show to ever have Cirque Du Solei in it. There are many people who are saying that it was a flop and many saying it was a success, and I am going to share mine and some other people’s opinions about it with you.

In the New York Times their report on the show was not so good. They were saying that it was just another attempt to have something good with Cirque Du Solei in it. They say that the show was as good as any ordinary show on Broadway. Even though the New York Times has this opinion, it is ranked as one of the top 3 shows right now! So it seems to me that many people are having mixed feelings about it.

Well for starters let me share the story line with you. It is about a young beautiful girl who has to choose between the man she loves and her art. It takes place in the Golden Age of Hollywood. There are acrobats everywhere and it is like a party on the stage. It seems like it is probably hard to focus on what you are supposed to be looking at with all the action happening on that stage!

Now let us get into the characters a bit. Well we have Indigo (the main character) played by Ruby Lewis. Ruby has been dancing for about 24 years, she started singing at the age of 3. By 12 and 13 the young girl was a triple threat. Then we have Joey who plays a part in the love circle with indigo. Joey is played by Ryan Vona. He has now been in two Broadway shows including Paramour. He recently started his album and in 2015.Then finally we have Jeremy Kushnier who played the role of A.J. Who is also part of the love circle between Indigo Joey and A.J. Jeremy is a stage songwriter and actor.  Has also been in footloose.

So it seems to me that the show has many up points and down points. There are many shows on Broadway today and this one surly sticks out! This show has very many high points like being able to see Cirque Du Solei and still seeing the awesomeness of a Broadway show. So I hope your opinion has been revealed from this article!