What happens next in The Flash?


It’s getting to the time during the run of a season that plot points begin to fall into the correct places and things finally start to make sense, and for the TV show The Flash things are about to get put into the correct order to ultimately have a finished plot. As of right now there are without a doubt points that have yet to be completely uncovered and made sense of, however speculation over these certain sections are beginning to form all around the world of DC Comic fans. Including the infamous coffee shop girl that has made yet another mysterious appearance at the end of episode 15 titled Enter Flash Time. Not only has this caused for even more confusion, but there seems to be more of the strange scenes going on at this time, including the line Jay Garrick (Earth 3 Flash) said about training a new female flash on his earth so he can thereby retire soon. Not to mention the quick scene in which Caitlyn begins to remember what Killer Frost said and did while in the duration of Flash Time, though this scene rapidly gets interrupted by the mysterious girl spilling her “Killer Frost” coffee all over Caitlyn and Harry. Scenes such as these seem to have built up this season and one can only hope each and every one of them gets answered by the wrap up of Season 4.


During this time the mysterious coffee shop girl has made her appearance three times since the first one at Barry and Iris’s wedding. From there the fandom has been going on nonstop to solve this mystery of this girl. Ideas such as she is from the future and is in fact Barry and Iris’s daughter would be the most speculated out of the theories, however there are plenty of other options out there that make sense. That being because in Episode 15 she seemed like her normal bubbly self until Caitlyn and Harry leave Jitters and where she begins to say “it did.” The context of this line is she went on about having to meet people at the coffee shop she has never met before and about how nervous she was. Once Caitlyn and Harry get up to leave Caitlyn replies with “I hope your meeting goes well”, which in turn is where the mystery girl said the other line. Although this may seem like an innocent thing to say it’s not once you consider the tone of her voice and the facial expression she possessed. That being said, this has led the fans to believe that she may indeed be working with the big bad of the season, The Thinker. Now you may think that theory is a little too out there since every other episode she seemed so happy and kind, though this is The Flash we are talking about here and the writers have been known for throwing curve balls our way, so anything is possible. Not to mention the writers came out and said that none of the theories about the girl have been correct, however they may be saying this to confuse the audience into believing something else to in turn be what we originally thought.


The mysterious coffee shop girl is not the only strange thing taking place during these episodes, one of them is Caitlyn remembering exactly what Killer Frost said and did while in Flash Time. This is extremely odd considering the fact that she has never been able in the past to remember what Killer Frost did, and Caitlyn would describe it as having a whole other person in you that you have zero control over what they do. That being said, this has given the fans yet another thing to theorize about. Some believe that it had something to do with the fact that Killer Frost was concerned about Caitlyn dying from the bomb that made Barry go into Flash Time in the first place. She did not want Caitlyn to die and showed a deep concern for her which might be why Caitlyn had a recollection of her actions. This theory is unfortunately the only one present at this time, so hopefully in future episodes this gets fully resolved.

The last strange occurrence that happened would be when Jay Garrick claimed that he was going to retire and train a new female flash. This has raised quite a lot of commotion for the fans to figure out who this girl may be. The first response was he was going to train, Jesse Quick from Earth 2, however she has had experience in the field for a couple of years and would not need to be trained again which would rule her out. With Jessie out of the question fans have been led to believe that it may be Avery Ho from China. Fans believe this due to the fact that there really aren’t many female speedsters from the comics to choose from and by using her there could be more diversity on the show.Though this seems like a great option there isn’t enough evidence to make it seem more definite, though hopefully the mystery of the female speedster will soon be uncovered.


From all the mysteries going on in The Flash the writer has quite a lot of plot holes that need to be filled. From the coffee shop girl to the unknown female speedster on Earth 3 fans will be able to speculate over everything that is occurring on the show, which can only lead one to hope for everything to be solved by the end.


“The Flash Video – Run, Iris, Run | Watch Online Free.” The CW Network,