A couple of months ago, I asked seniors from our school to give me an update on how their college prospects are looking. Since then, even more students have responded, so I’ve taken it upon myself to grace the world with an update on how things are going with three hardworking classmates. Here are some more iUP students who have almost made it to the end of their high school journey and know a little about where they’ll be next.

Kate Stenson

Kate, an always-welcome face in our online community, has been accepted into Colorado State University. She hasn’t, however, fully committed to going there, even though they have the Zoology major she’s looking for. Well, there’s a difference between being stuck between a rock and a hard place and being stuck between a candy cane and some bubblegum! We wish Kate success as she continues to make these future-deciding decisions, but we’ll be sad to see her go.

Yoreyliz Martinez

Yoreyliz is just a step away from being accepted into her college of choice, Southwestern Adventist University! Not only is this a well-accredited university–it’s also close to her home. Many students tend to overlook just how impactful that can be in making a college choice! Think: dishwasher, washing machine, and, most importantly, homecooked meals. Great job, Yoreliz–let us know when you make it in!

Maddie Bricout

Not to be outdone is Maddie Bricout; she has been accepted into her college of choice, the University of North Texas. Heard of that one? That’s right. She chose the U of NT for its well-established art curation program, as well as its unyielding dedication to visual arts. Who knows, maybe she’ll see yours truly there one day.

All of these wonderful students are at different places on their college journeys, but they each offer valuable insight into the college process and how it should be conducted. Don’t settle for a college that accepts you immediately–you’re valuable, so look out there! Who knows, there may be something unexpected that will come your way and surprise you. We wish all our seniors the best; to quote the former California governor, “Hasta la vistababy.