The University of Alabama is a public school in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.Their acceptance rate is 54%. Currently, this school has about 38,000 attendees. The University of Alabama is a division one school, well-known for their athletics program.

For in-state tuition, it costs around $25,000, not including all the extra fees to attend college. Out of state tuition is a little more expensive, it costs around $42,000.

This school is extremely good in football, last year they finished second, in the ranks. If you are interested in playing division one athletics, the University of Alabama is the school to go to.

In addition to high athletic rankings, this school also has high academic rankings. Their law school is classed 28th in the nation of law schools and 10th out of public schools. The school of library and information studies is ranked 18th nationally.

Some fun facts about the University of Alabama are if you graduate never having below a 4.0 GPA you will wear a red cap at the ceremony instead of a black. There are rumors that there is an underground passageway linking the President’s mansion to Gorga’s library. Also, the University of Alabama has a wheelchair basketball program. This program is one out of four in the country.

With their great athletic and academic program, is a wonderful option to consider in the search for colleges.